What is Required for an estimate?

Filling out the contact form under the hire me link helps me determine an estimate. Pricing and ethical guidelines are mainly based on the Graphic Artists Guild. The Guild is committed to improving conditions for all artists and supporting the entire art industry. I will also consider your budget depending on our schedule and the work that is involved.

How to determine a deadline?

Calculate at least 3 weeks upon receipt of at least half payment. This will also include time for one revision depending on the artwork specifications. Please note that if I am not booked & you need the artwork sooner, we may have to skip out on the revision due to time constraints and this may also cost more.

how will the artwork be used?

I grant copyrights to publish the illustration in a particular medium or more for the purpose you specify in the contact form.  After the artwork is published, the artwork may be used for self-promotion purposes such as displayed on my website. But also crediting you after the original artwork was published by you. This helps protect your copyright.


Just let me know what you would like to change and we may can do a new revision. Plus, I am all about supporting originality, professional quality, & it’s copyright, so please hit me up when it comes to modifications, changes or alterations to changing finished artwork for consent or just have a question or concern about it. I am here to help!

What is the art process FOR SERVICE ?

I mainly get my artistic inspiration from the music. I also consider any ideas, keywords, album titles, lyrics, target market, and any other influences regarding your brand before I start conceptualizing and creating artwork. Upon receipt of half payment. A quick preliminary sketch will be sent from the start to make sure the concept is moving forward in the right direction. After approval, I will continue the work and will send a low resolution file of the nearly completed artwork for small revisions depending on your deadline. After this I prepare to paint and complete the artwork and deliver the high resolution files after full payment is received. Hopefully, this process and option will also help with your budget. I see this as a collaboration so open communication is important. If you have any other questions please let me know.